Xcode at scale - Cache made easy
This is the nineth step of a serie named iOS at Scale based on the next steps:
- Introduction
- Xcode at Scale
- Refactor MarvelClient - split client from logic
- Refactor DataProvidersKit - applying Iversion of Control
- Refactor DetailKit - Single data flow, states, type erasure and more
- Refactor Navigator - Back to simplest
- Refactor AppCore - we really need it?
- Dependency Injection - flexible and composable
- Extra ball: Cache made easy
- Extra ball: Introducing to Promises 1
- Extra ball: Introducing to Promises 2
- Final conclusions
Yes, we’re near to the end. We’re on Extra-Balls.
For this chapter, I want to build a simple Cache
with protocol oriented programming. This way, I’ll cover how to develop a new component, with a new package and how to merge it inside our stack. And we will find out how easy it is.
The first thing I’m going to do, again, it’s to create it with the option to share. For this, like on previos post, I’m going to use SPM.
So, let’s work! Go to the step-9
on git.
Creating a cache, POP
The first thing we need it’s to create the new folder under Libraries
, at the moment, this library will only contain a cache, but like this could scale, let’s name it Storage
. And like before, a little clean up into the generated library. (commit: 1a91ca7
Now, that we have our package created, let’s add it as dependency to our Core
and start to work on it. (commit: 413c7df
I’ve also changed how these packages under development are managed on tuist. Package
on Tuist can be defined with path
instead url
, this will insert them on our project directly without need to add them to the Workspace
as extra files (as I do). But, to ilustrate better what libraries are under development, I’ll keep having them as extra files. This way, we have a folder Libraries
available on our workspace.
To create the Cache
, I’m going to define the protocol with the functions that I want to use. This way, we’re out of how them will be implemented, and we’ll keep the usage as easy as possible.
The protocol will be named Caching
and with two functions, to set
a value and to retrieve
a value.
public protocol Caching {
func set(key: String, value: Any)
func get(key: String) -> Any?
This could be our first Cache
protocol to use, but nowadays that we have generics
, let’s improve the value Type
public protocol Caching {
func set<T>(key: String, value: T)
func get<T>(key: String) -> T?
And now, we have the main interface of our Caching
Let`s do the implementation.
public final class MemoryCache {
private let cache = NSCache<String, Any>()
Like NSCache
, need a class type to be the key of the dictionary, let’s create a new object called Key
, and how it needs Any
to be a class, let’s create a wrapper for the value, called Value
final class Key: Hashable {
private let key: String
init(_ key: String) {
self.key = key
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func == (lhs: Key, rhs: Key) -> Bool {
lhs.key == rhs.key
final class Value {
let value: Any
init(_ value: Any) {
self.value = value
And now to make it work, the Key
must be an NSObject
with hashvalue
and isEqual
, so, to do this, I’m going to create a WrappedKey
, that wraps our real Key
. And I’ll add an extension to Key
to create an WrappedKey
fast, easy and located.
extension MemoryCache {
final class WrappedKey: NSObject {
let key: Key
init(_ key: Key) {
self.key = key
override var hash: Int { key.hashValue }
override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let wrapped = object as? WrappedKey else { return false }
return self.key == wrapped.key
private extension Key {
var wrapped: WrappedKey { .init(self) }
public final class MemoryCache {
private let cache = NSCache<WrappedKey, Value>()
Now, let’s create the implementation of Caching
. (commit: c4cd3c3
extension MemoryCache: Caching {
public func set<T>(key: String, value: T) {
cache.setObject(Value(value), forKey: Key(key).wrapped)
public func get<T>(key: String) -> T? {
cache.object(forKey: Key(key).wrapped)?.value as? T
We got working now our cache. But to make it easier to use, we’re going to extend the protocol and add some util functions. Like we got the main two methods working, we’re going to create some methods that will handle the key for us and make our life easier.
func set<T>(value: T) {
I want to use that interface, and use an ID
as key for the object, so, we need that T
conforms Identifiable
Like Identifiable it’s only available for iOS 13 or more, let’s add inside Cache
our Identifiable
If we go to the code on the Identifiable
protocol, we will find out that the code it’s really simple. So copy & paste the code inside a new Cache
file. This way, we’re working with our protocol, but at the moment that we update the project version to iOS 13, removing this implementation will make the project works without change anything more.
public protocol Identifiable {
/// A type representing the stable identity of the entity associated with `self`.
associatedtype ID : Hashable
/// The stable identity of the entity associated with `self`.
var id: Self.ID { get }
func set<T>(value: T) where T: Identifiable {
And now let’s make the implementation.
func set<T>(value: T) where T: Identifiable {
set(key: "\(value.id)", value: value)
func get<T>(id: T.ID) -> T? where T: Identifiable {
get(key: "\(id)")
We’re finding ourselves creating the Key
each time we want use it, so this time we can create an extension of Key
to be initialized with an ID
of an Identifiable
extension Key {
convenience init<T>(id: T.ID) where T: Identifiable {
And our Caching implementation looks:
public extension Caching {
func set<T>(value: T) where T: Identifiable {
set(key: Key(id: value.id), value: value)
func get<T>(id: T.ID) -> T? where T: Identifiable {
get(key: Key(id: id))
Now that we have an object with an ID
, we got the Key
, but what happens if we want to store two different kind of object, wich ID it’s the same? We will find us overriding a previous value that we dont want to override. So, how we got the type when saving the object and when retrieving. Let’s combine the Type
with the ID
. The responsible of this work it’s Key
initializer itself, so we only need to work on it.
private extension Key {
convenience init<T>(id: T.ID, class: T.Type) where T: Identifiable {
self.init("\(type(of: T.self))\(id)")
Now, let’s update the Caching
interface, to receive a Key
instad of String
. And this is how finally look our Caching
protocol. (commit: 4e63906
public protocol Caching {
func set<T>(key: Key, value: T)
func get<T>(key: Key) -> T?
public extension Caching {
func set<T>(value: T) where T: Identifiable {
set(key: Key(id: value.id, class: T.self), value: value)
func get<T>(id: T.ID) -> T? where T: Identifiable {
get(key: Key(id: id, class: T.self))
Using the Cache from the Core
Now, we got the Cache
available from Core
. Let’s use it on our repository.
Note: I’m going to couple Core
to our Storage
library, but we can create our own Caching
protocol inside core, and wrap the Storage.Caching
with it and stay decoupled (that interface only has to forward the get, set functions to the Storage.Cache functions).
Finally, let’s update our Repostiory to have the Caching
dependency. (commit: 8c78256
public final class InternalCharacterRepository {
let provider: CharacterProviding
let cache: Caching
public init(provider: CharacterProviding, cache: Caching) {
self.provider = provider
self.cache = cache
And now, let’s create a component inside app to register Caching
and update Repostiory factory to inject it. (commit: 71a88b1
let storageComponent = Component {
single { MemoryCache() as Caching }
let repositoryComponent = Component {
factory { InternalCharacterRepository(provider: $0(), cache: $0()) as CharacterRepository }
Finally, lets make our Repository cache the characters.
public func characters(offset: Int?, completion: @escaping Done<[Character], CharacterRepositoryError>) {
provider.characters(offset: offset) { result in
result.map { $0.forEach { self.cache.set(value: $0) } }
As we see, we need Character
to conform Identifiable
. So let’s do it.
extension Character: Identifiable {}
And I’ve introduced one more thing. A protocol named Runnable
with the only idea of do more things in one line.
public protocol Runnable {}
public extension Runnable {
func run(_ work: (Self) -> Void) -> Self {
return self
As we see, the Runnable
only takes itself, pass it to a closure to do some work, and then return itself. This way, we can use the map
of the result
ot iterate the objects instead of mutate them. Because like we’re inside the completion block, we need the map to return something that will be what be passed to the completion parameter.
And like the map
only get’s called if our result
it’s success
, we get the cache working only on the success
branch. (commit: 47ac463
public func characters(offset: Int?, completion: @escaping Done<[Character], CharacterRepositoryError>) {
provider.characters(offset: offset) { result in
completion(result.map { $0.run { $0.forEach { self.cache.set(value: $0) } } } )
Now, we’re storing our objects but not reading them. Let’s make our repostiory read for the character detail.
public func character(with id: Int, completion: @escaping Done<Character, CharacterRepositoryError>) {
if let character = cache.get(id: id as Character.ID) as Character? {
} else {
provider.character(by: id, completion)
And for the last, if we don’t have cached the character, we make the request, but then we’re not storing that character on the cache, so let’s make our character(by: id)
stores also the response. (commit: 4d26f9f
public func character(with id: Int, completion: @escaping Done<Character, CharacterRepositoryError>) {
if let character = cache.get(id: id as Character.ID) as Character? {
} else {
provider.character(by: id) {
completion($0.map { $0.run { self.cache.set(value: $0) } })
We got our cache working!
This chapter we’ve seen how to do a very, very easy cache. Using Protocol Oriented Programmin to with only a couple of methods, handle how new Identifable Items are saved and retrieved. Also covering the use of the NSCache and how we can wrap old needs like extends from NSObject in our Swift classes.
We’ve also covered how to develop and integrate a new library on our code base it’s extramly easy and painless without the needs of update any of our Features modules.
Also we’ve seen how map
combined with the new protocol Runnable
allow us to do more with less, and how combinning these little functions we end up building big features.
- Introduction
- Xcode at Scale
- Refactor MarvelClient - split client from logic
- Refactor DataProvidersKit - applying Iversion of Control
- Refactor DetailKit - Single data flow, states, type erasure and more
- Refactor Navigator - Back to simplest
- Refactor AppCore - we really need it?
- Dependency Injection - flexible and composable
- Extra ball: Cache made easy
- Extra ball: Introducing to Promises 1
- Extra ball: Introducing to Promises 2
- Final conclusions